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GPS -ը մաշկի տակ

GPS – իմպլանտանտների հետ կապված դժվարությունները

Water – The human body is composed mostly of water, which is one of the most effective blocks of a GPS signal. Even a deposit of ice or snow on your windshield or on a handheld GPS antenna is enough to block reception. Unless the chip is implanted immediately beneath the skin, effective reception will likely be blocked.

Transmitter – Not only is a GPS receiver required, but if you’re going to track location, you need a transmitter and antenna too. Hmm, the size of our implant seems to be growing.

Power – We can’t get a handheld GPS to go 24 hours without a battery change, and I’ve yet to see a cellphone go a week without needing to be charged, so what are we going to do?
